Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lego Week: Lego Man Crochet Patterns

One of the first things I started looking for when I found out I was pregnant was a treasure chest to hold dress-up clothes. At the time, it didn’t really occur to me that dress up would not be happening for another two or three years but... we all focus on strange things when our hormones rule.

For me, it was playing dress up. 
I love making dress-up clothes and accessories for my daughter and her cousins. As you can see from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Thor hats, I also like to design my own items. My theory is: if you can’t find what you are looking for—make it! 

Who wants to be a Lego Minfigure? Any takers? I know our kids would!
We have been pretty busy this week at the MMM mines coming up with some new and fun ideas for you to celebrate the universal love of Lego.

Today, I am premiering my new Lego Man crochet patterns on sale now in our Etsy Store!
 I set out to make the essentials—a hat and hands. These are the first pair of gloves I have ever created. I am thinking about making some of the Lego man accessories now too! A cowboy hat? Perhaps a WyldStyle wig? The possibilities are as limitless as legos themselves!

I included a number of pictures for the construction so the pattern is very user-friendly. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions! I am happy to help in any way!!

Now, go! Make some too so your child can pretend to be a Lego Man hero too!

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