Saturday, November 9, 2013

And Here We Go....

Hi there. I am Shannon, the 3rd of 6 children in our family. I’m a 30 year old Taurus that has a wild, over-achiever streak that typically drives others insane. Most important to me, I am a first-time mama. My daughter, Lorelai, is the only girl in a sea of male cousins… and let me tell you—she holds her own! That’s self-confidence, love, and charm all rolled into an adorable blonde package right there. 

I always knew that I wanted to be a mama. Having such a strong role model myself growing up, a big, crafty family was all that I dreamed of as I completed my undergraduate degree and achieved my two graduate degrees in the years following. 

I am so fortunate to be a part of our family—we each have our own talents and quirks that keep life interesting. 

With this crowd, I am the reason for a good deal of the randomness of the crafting done here. I dabble in stained glass, crochet, sewing, paper craft, quilting, photography. I started crocheting in college—my mom taught me. In our store, I am responsible for the product photography and some of the item descriptions too. 

I would classify myself as a nerd with joy. I’m a Trekkie (Original Series, please!), a Whovian, have a great love for comics and heroes, video games. I still miss Firefly, Jericho, and Sherlock (coming back!) and cannot get over the end of Battlestar Galactica. I love to be nostalgic! I try to create around TV shows I watched when I was young—Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gem, My Little Ponies, She-Ra, Thundercats, Dinosaucers… the classics! I am excited to share some of my creations here with you!

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